Born and raised in Taiwan, she was baptized in her Sophomore year in college. She wanted to be used by God all her life. After graduating from college she worked at a Christian print media organization, then served for 10 years in Hong Kong doing outreach to China. After returning to Taiwan she taught at a Christian college. Her husband was a college professor, after receiving a call to ministry they both served wholeheartedly at church, during which he continued to teach at colleges and participate in college ministry. In 2021 Pastor Yuan received her Doctor of Ministry degree from Logos Seminary and started serving at EFCP in June of 2022. Ordained in 2023 and became Senior Pastor through Congregational Meeting in 2024. She has one daughter currently working in Texas.
出生於台灣, 小時候全家移民美國, 定居於北加州灣區.柏克萊大學(Berkerley)材料工程學系畢業, 曾在灣區從事半導體及IT工程師數年. 2002年蒙召至南加州就讀Fuller神學院, 取得道學碩士M. Div.之後曾分別於洛杉磯與灣區教會服事, 帶領第二代青年人及學生與年輕家庭. 目前為本會英語堂與青少年牧師
Born in Taiwan, Pastor Po-Min immigrated to the United States with his family when he was young and settled in San Francisco Bay Area. After graduating from UC Berkeley with a degree in Material Science, he worked for a number of years in the Semiconductor Equipment field and IT. In 2002 he answered God’s call to full time ministry and studied at Fuller Seminary for his M.Div. degree. After graduation he served in churches in both Los Angeles and Bay Area before coming to Arizona. He is currently serving as English and Youth Pastor.